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definition for: #C4KIDS

August 31, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #C4KIDS
Cornerstone For K.I.D.S where K.I.D.S= Kids with Invisible Disabilities is a nonprofit empowering communities to create solutions for inclusion. www.cornerstone4kids.org is the official website. FB/Cornerstone4kids Currently, our schools address K.I.D.S needs but after school, kids and their parents and caregivers are excluded from our communities. This starts around age 5-8. Are we surprised when these kids emerge as teens and young adults with a host of issues? It doesn't have to be that way! Early intervention is EASY....it just takes a clever community. You can be a stand for having a community that works for all! Where the sidewalk ends .....cornerstone for kids begins.
August 31, 2014
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