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definition for: #OandG

May 10, 2017
4 Definitions for Hashtag #OandG
Oil and Gas Global Investor Coalition on Climate Change Investor Disclosure Climate Action Paris Agreement Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures TCFD @FSB_TCFD @AIGCC_Update @IGCC_Update @CeresNews @IIGCCnews @CDP GIC Global Investor Coalition on Climate Change Investor Climate Compass: Navigating climate risk through engagement with the oil & gas sector Investment finance climate resilience 2 degrees C 1.5 degrees C less than 2 degrees @UNFCCC UNFCCC Paris Accord 2050
May 10, 2017
Global investor guide on oil and gas companies
May 10, 2017
Investor Climate Compass: Navigating climate risk through engagement with the oil & gas sector is a joint report of the four investor networks that make up the Global Investor Coalition on Climate Change (GIC) and CDP. It looks closely at the impact of assertive investor engagement – through private dialogue or public challenge via shareholder resolutions – on ten selected oil and gas majors in Nnorth America and Europe. The Global Investor Coalition on Climate Change (GIC) is a joint initiative of four regional groups that represent investors on climate change and the transition to a low carbon economy: AIGCC (Asia), Ceres (North America), IGCC (Australia/NZ) and IIGCC (Europe). Participating organisations in the GIC work collaboratively on global initiatives, and engage with their regional members to implement investor action on climate change.
May 10, 2017
Oil and Gas Global Investor Coalition on Climate Change Investor Disclosure Climate Action Paris Agreement Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures TCFD @FSB_TCFD @AIGCC_Update @IGCC_Update @CeresNews @IIGCCnews @CDP GIC Global Investor Coalition on Climate Change Investor Climate Compass: Navigating climate risk through engagement with the oil & gas sector Investment finance climate resilience 2 degrees C 1.5 degrees C less than 2 degrees @UNFCCC UNFCCC Paris Accord 2050
May 10, 2017
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