Beliebers (and plenty of ladies) will all agree that Justin Bieber has outdone himself in his new photo for Calvin Klein. The advertisement, called #MyCalvins, displays Bieber shirtless and has fans (also known as "Beliebers") in awe. The celebrity has stayed out of the spotlight due to some infamous actions he pulled off recently and has given his fans a sense of doubt. However, they hoped he would grow up and become more mature, and this advertisement seems to have set them off?in a good way. The trend lasted for?quite some time with?the majority of the hashtag's use right around 4 PM Central Standard Time when the advertisement was released.
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Amassing almost 300,000 Tweets in one hour at its peak, it is a surprise that?#MyCalvins faded out so rapidly. However, it still held rates just under 50,000 Tweets per hour later. Justin Bieber fans are infamous for flooding social media with Bieber propaganda and support for their claimed idol. However, his #MyCalvins advertisement appeared to attract more than just his typical fan base.
Of course, with this hashtag breaking such high Tweet rates, there were bound to be plenty of other related hashtags bringing in smaller fans of Justin Bieber being drawn in from elsewhere.
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Regardless of his current social status, Justin Bieber fans proclaimed that they were more than ready for him to make a great come back and continue his legacy. Some people prefer that he start working on his role as a clothing model as they prefer him not to reinstate his singing career. Others believe (or rather, "Belieb") that he is much better than the media has made him out to be over the last few weeks. Still, one thing is for sure, he got plenty of attention from all sorts of audiences with his #MyCalvins advertisements.