Occasionally, Twitter likes to have fun with current events. The latest game? Naming President Obama's ISIS Operation. People are literally naming the military operation that is going on using the hashtag #NameObamaISISOperation. While this may sound like fun and games, it is highly controversial on Twitter. Many people are contributing with jokes, while others are coming back saying that the game is a waste of time and, quite frankly, insulting to Americans. Either way, it was trending after the speech.
Courtesy of Hashtags.org Analytics
Courtesy of Hashtags.org Analytics
President Obama, for those readers unaware, made a speech September 10, 2014, outlining the strategy to defend America against ISIS, or the terrorist group known as Islamic State. Obama interrupted programs in order to talk to Americans about this issue because it is a pressing issue that many people are worried about constantly. He talked in a four-part outline, giving information on each. The transcript is online to be viewed for interested parties.
Back to the topic: the Twitter game. Using the hashtag #NameObamaISISOperation, many are naming the operation that the President outlined with clever, original ideas. Most are coming up with sarcastic names, and others are patronizing the people who are even participating in the game.
People are always very passionate and outspoken when it comes to politics. So, a trending game such as this is always bound to make a few people angry. Regardless, people continue to tweet about such things and will for quite some time. People enjoy using social media because it gives them a chance to be heard, and to voice their opinion.
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