Jenny McCarthy created the hashtag #JennyAsks, in lieu of her advocacy against vaccinations. However, the campaign was immediately hijacked by social media users.
She first tweeted on the hashtag, ?What is the most important personality trait you look for in a mate? Reply using #JennyAsks?.
Apparently, McCarthy is not familiar with the basic rules of engagement on Twitter.
First, she came up with a very general hashtag, which could cover any topic other than anti-vaccination. Second, she asked a wholly different question from her supposed advocacy.
Social media fans expectedly provided answers that were completely unrelated to the question and taught the former MTV host a lesson by talking about anti-vaccine.
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Jenny McCarthy has established a reputation for being vocal about her advocacy in getting rid of vaccines. She expressed how the vaccines should be free of toxins like mercury, which continues to exist in many shots provided to children at present.
The hashtag #JennyAsks, continues to trend well on Twitter with users sharing their vaccination experiences and views on the previous vaccination study conducted by Andrew Wakefield.
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