
Social Purchasing Via Hashtag: Why It Can Work

February 20, 2013
amex1Considering that fact that Twitter has millions of users and American Express (AmEx) is one of the leading credit card companies in the world, it is only expected that the two groups would collaborate to offer a new approach called social purchasing. The strategy aims to make it easier for individuals to purchase and shop for a variety of items while enjoying all the benefits of social media. The method is quite similar to online shopping wherein online users can simply click on products that they like and then pay via credit card.

About Social Purchasing

Social purchasing involves a network of purchasers and sellers that are connected in a community, based on specific interests and objectives. The AmEx/Twitter strategy involves targeting online buyers who will in turn be using their AmEx credit cards to pay for items offered and discovered on Twitter. The method involves syncing with Twitter and then getting products from a variety of top brands and sellers on the AmEx page.

Syncing With Twitter

To sync with Twitter, users only have to visit sync.americanexpress.com/twitter and then sign in to Twitter. Users will be redirected to a page where you can sync your AmEx card to the Twitter account. Fill in the spaces for name, email address, credit card number, billing address, the card ID and expiration date. Once you sync on Twitter, you can expect too see a number of offers and discounts on several items and brands. You can rest assured that the page that you will be redirected to is secured and you can provide personal information to complete the sync and immediately avail of products online.

Buying A Product

To buy a product using AmEx/Twitter, look for the special product #hashtag and then tweet it. You will get a reply from @AmexSync together with the confirmation hashtag. Your purchase will be confirmed and you can expect the item to arrive in a few days straight to your doorstep, or according to your shipping agreement. amex2

What AmEx/Twitter Expect

American Express and Twitter expect millions of users from different parts of the world to start purchasing products, thereby boosting the revenue for both the micro-blogging site and credit card company.

Is It Safe?

People have been relying on online buying for a number of years so it is only adequate for the two companies to work together and target people according to their specific needs and interests. The approach provides a very fast, easy and convenient way for users to get the items they need at affordable prices. People also don?t need to worry about shipping and the safety of the products they order. Twitter and AmEx are fully legitimate sources so you can expect the package to arrive in the best condition. Here's a demo video on the new service. There is actually nothing new about the approach since hundreds of online shops and shopping places have been offering the same service for years. The collaboration and syncing technique only makes the process more advanced and secure. The hashtags properly arranges the products and sellers so that online users can easily locate their specific needs and items. Users can also get regular updates and news on certain offers and sales that they may be interested in.

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