You can find a good (even great!) job through your Twitter connections. By establishing solid professional relationships with your followers, you can build a name for yourself online and actually land stable employment.
Twitter has certainly evolved from being a place where the 20-somethings throw their witty one-liners to a platform that produces strong business relationships.
In fact, companies are now acknowledging Twitterverse as a necessary part of their marketing strategies. After all, almost everybody with the purchasing power nowadays has at least one social media account. Twitter certainly is one to top the list.
Do you know of any job-related hashtags and chats that are not on this list? Tell us about them in the comments!
Writing A Twitter Bio That Gets You A Job
Your Twitter bio, or the short description other users see instantly when they visit your profile, is vital to establishing yourself as a professional worthy of being offered employment. First impressions last, as the cliche goes -- and this certainly holds true in this platform where attention spans are very short. Keep your Twitter bio as short, concise and professional-sounding as you can in under 140 characters. While your bio will allow you to post a longer description, chances are the rest of the bio will be placed in the back under the 'Read More' link. Thus, your first few characters should be used up strategically. Find out more about Twitter Basics.Be Careful With Your Own Branding
How you 'brand' yourself on Twitter matters a lot if you're looking not just to get more followers but be hired for a job. Branding yourself as a 'guru' may sound like you know everything, but to employers this will sound rather pretentious or over-reaching (unless, of course, you truly are a superstar in your field). Write a bio that is realistic, yet confident. Instead of saying 'I'm A Web Marketing Guru. Hire Me!', you can write something like 'Highly-Skilled In Internet Marketing Solutions And Search Engine Optimization' to let your potential employers know what you really can do for them. Also, be careful with what you tweet?and how. If you're using Twitter to get a job, it's smart to keep your personal account separate from your professional account. This way, you don't have to deal with possible bosses checking out your club photos or your sensitive tweets to friends. Remember that success tip that says you should surround yourself with the people you want to be? That applies to Twitter, as well. To get the job you want, follow the thought leaders and decision makers in your industry. Engage with them and give constructive input on vital matters affecting your sector. By connecting with possible employers, you give them a glimpse of what you can contribute without being a hard sell.Hashtags For Job Hunters
Here are some of the more popular hashtags [link] used for either job hunting or connecting with industry professionals for career advancement. #career #careerchat #CareerSuccess #employment #freelance #GenYchat