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definition for: #47ffp

May 27, 2015
5 Definitions for Hashtag #47ffp
47 Financial Fitness Principles
May 27, 2015
The 47 Financial Fitness Principles teaches the principles behind the Offense (making money), Defense (budgeting and discipline), and Playing Field (rules and philosophy of money) of personal finance. With a basic understanding of these three areas, which are rarely taught together as a whole, anyone can learn to prosper, conserve, and multiply the fruits of his or her labor. www.Leadership.LIFE
May 27, 2015
Economic affairs do not have to be boring or stressful. Anyone can enjoy learning to master personal finance with the easy-to-follow teachings of the Financial Fitness Program. The material is so solid and comprehensive that even accounting professionals find benefit. CPAs can even earn 22 self-study CPE credits from CPEThink.com/ffcpe by completing the material in the Financial Fitness Pack and passing an online exam. CPEthink.com is an IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider registered with the NASBA as a QAS Sponsor of Continuing Professional Education, and the CPE credit hours satisfy or exceed the updated AICPA/NASBA guidelines on self-study CPE activated in 2014 for all 50 states and US territories. To access the CPE course learning objectives, review questions, and final exam, please http://***
May 27, 2015
The Financial Fitness Program includes the Financial Fitness book and workbook as well as eight audio recordings to help you take an honest look at your finances, learn and apply the simple principles of financial success, and get on the path to true financial fitness.
May 27, 2015
The Financial Matrix is the best, most effective system elites have employed to control the masses. Because it is difficult to detect, the Financial Matrix easily seduces people into willingly enslaving themselves with debt. But Orrin Woodward discovered its existence and managed to free himself. Now his book brings you that same awareness and gives you the tools and principles to break free and create a life of abundance. www.47FFP.com
May 27, 2015
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