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definition for: #5FebSolidarityWithKashmir

February 4, 2016
3 Definitions for Hashtag #5FebSolidarityWithKashmir
5 FEBRUARY KASHMIR SOLIDARITY DAY :: We all oppose the Indian occupation of Kashmir and express solidarity with the people of occupied Kashmir who have sacrificed their life and properties for their self determination and freedom from Indian operation and state terrorism in Kashmir. Kashmir Solidarity Day is to express solidarity with the people of Jammu & Kashmir. It also honors the sacrifices made for Kashmir’s .The day is observed to express solidarity with Kashmiri brethren in their just struggle to resolve the Kashmir dispute according to UN resolutions.liberation.
February 4, 2016
Kashmir Solidarity Day is to express solidarity with the people of Jammu & Kashmir. It also honors the sacrifices made for Kashmir’s .The day is observed to express solidarity with Kashmiri brethren in their just struggle to resolve the Kashmir dispute according to UN resolutions.liberation.
February 4, 2016
5 FEBRUARY KASHMIR SOLIDARITY DAY :: We all oppose the Indian occupation of Kashmir and express solidarity with the people of occupied Kashmir who have sacrificed their life and properties for their self determination and freedom from Indian operation and state terrorism in Kashmir.
February 4, 2016
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