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definition for: #AgendaDrivenMedia

September 25, 2013
1 Definition for Hashtag #AgendaDrivenMedia
A new definition for what are currently referred to as the MAIN STREAM MEDIA: MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN. This new definition is more indicative of the pseudo-reports they consistently air. Reports that either include or imply fictitious aspects of a story in order to drive a liberal agenda. Examples of the Agenda Driven Media's "reporting" includes: -CONFIRMING AR-15 (type of weapon) use in the Navy Shipyard massacre, although that was a completely false "fact" as no AR-15 was used or even on site. -Reporting that Tea Party members as racists, with NO factual basis Give it a minute's thought and many more examples will come to mind.
September 25, 2013
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