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definition for: #AppliedBehaviorAnalysis

March 11, 2015
2 Definitions for Hashtag #AppliedBehaviorAnalysis
Is the science of behavior and learning, implemented in an individual?s natural environment. Behavior change and learning occur by adjusting variables in an individual?s environment to promote and maintain the desirable behaviors. One of the major strengths of ABA comes from the use of detailed data collection and data analysis. Behavioral data provides proof that behavior changes and learning can be attributed to the intervention strategies being used and not due to other unknown variables.
March 11, 2015
Applied: the study and implementation of procedures that produce socially significant behavior changes. Behavior change and learning goals are designed to be relevant to the individual in the context of their life,family, community or culture. Behavior: an action that must be observable and measurable. When these specifications are met, the behavior can be measured and quantified as behavioral data. Analysis: has occurred when learning and behavior change can only be attributed to the procedures being implemented and not to other variables in the environment. Behavior Analysts strive to analytical through the use of data collection and analysis, as well as peer review. BCBA stands for Board Certified Behavior Analyst. This person has gone through university training at the Master?s level, had 225 classroom hours in ABA, had 1500 hours of supervised practicum experience, and passed an international exam to receive certification in Applied Behavioral Analysis. BCaBA stands for Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst. This person has a Bachelors degree in a psychology related field, has 135 classroom hours of training, and 1000 hours of supervised practicum experience.
March 11, 2015
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