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definition for: #BackTheBlue

December 22, 2019
1 Definition for Hashtag #BackTheBlue
Having a officers back regardless of race,sex,religion just as they would do for us despite being vilified by some news channels.People who are anti sheep since the sheep who the wolf hasn't gotten to attack yet have a exclusive show they like to watch,it's called "mad libs news" it's typical programming is the sheepdog getting evaulted by people who aren't remotely qualified so they make it up as they go which is how the moniker came to be it was just too fitting a name- "Mad Libs news", its such a expensive program, we may all have to pay the price someday. it's currently a exclusive for the "how do I remember to breathe?" Crowd. Every night they watch it whIle trying to guess the words from the safety of their cosy bubble house.Mad libs news gets lots of lucrative& exclusive advertising opportunities for the ever popular rose colored glasses. The sheep hate the sheepdog because he has never owned these trendy specs. There is one time however that the sheep calls the sheepdog to socialize,when their trendy specs get stolen. The sheepdog always answers the call he occasionally gets a good chuckle from them &is always happy they are safe ,just a bit "touched" and attached to their glasses. It's mostly calls where the sheep says i need you to find my glasses today,not tomorrow but today,find my sunglasses or I'll have to use the money I set aside to pay your salary to get another pair.The sheepdog says to them in a kind voice, oh you know they just realeased the newest pair today don't worry about my salary you should go get the new ones I think they are just your style and would look great the sheep replies, good try! Your just trying to be lazy call me a supervisor if you don't want to do your job I pay you for! Sheepdog "no mam really go ahead check I promise I will wait,he hears a high pitched squeak of excitement then the sheep says I have to go so get off my property. The sheepdog goes back to complete his watch thinking quietly to himself, I could never accept money from someone so poor.
December 22, 2019
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