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definition for: #BattSimFX

February 9, 2018
1 Definition for Hashtag #BattSimFX
Battlefield Simulation Effects are Radio Frequency controlled devices that are being used to create atmospheric visual and sound effects on any minor or major training event or exercise. They come in the form of Heavy Weapon Simulators used to provide the visual and sound effect of being fired upon, IED & Sound Box Simulators used for the sound of an explosive device with the background sound effects of mass panicking, fire alarms and sirens going off, Smoke machine Simulators to simulate a smoke filled environment, Rocket Propelled Grenade Simulators. All of these devices when individually used or when combined adds additional depths of realism to any training event or major exercise. All of the Battlefield Simulation Effects are safe to use indoors and are environmentally friendly. They are extremely cost effective to use and a fraction of the cost of using blank ammunition, small explosive charges and live actors, all of which increase the costs of running these training or exercise events.
February 9, 2018
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