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definition for: #CoolTrade

October 31, 2013
1 Definition for Hashtag #CoolTrade
CoolTrade The #CoolTrade automated stock trading platform monitors the markets, stocks and profit requirements for you. CoolTrade Platform Offers: >> A fully automated money manager on your desktop that easily filters through NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX stocks to find those that meet your investment criteria. >> A powerful stock search with an arsenal of options to create your own trading conditions. >> A smart strategy builder that helps you confidently make stock trading decisions without having to learn any complex technical language. >> A real-time test environment that lets you test your strategies during actual market hours without risking any real dollars. >> Access to a community where you can share, discuss, ask questions and get support from our top-notch technical support team. Strategy sharing that lets you use strategies developed for public use or to be modified any way you like. Post: by Bray Pike http://***
October 31, 2013
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