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definition for: #DaladyBishop1Love1BloodGangUnity

June 19, 2014
3 Definitions for Hashtag #DaladyBishop1Love1BloodGangUnity
Hello, Dalady Bishop 1 Love 1 Blood Sponsered Sir President Barack Obama. I started my gang in high school to check my Panthers. That's my gang. When they mess up I check them. I want all gangs and "so called gangs to unite. When I had several rappers come to my school to do my goals. I want Cultural Awareness in all high schools. My stars cool with me. I can't remember all the names of the rappers that came to my school bit don'tcall mine..... NIGGAS! They will kill yall! Don't get tooooo comfortable Europeans. I'm from Mississippi and my boys don't like! You want gang unity place this in your social netwoks. Thanks, Dalady Bishop 1 Love 1 Blood. Just for fun..... Remember one of the first rap cd's that had these lyrics.... TREAT YOUR WOMAN RIGHT OR GET THAT BURNING BED AT NIGHT! .....know the name of the group Barack Obama might give you a dollar . Hotep!
June 19, 2014
Gang Unity!
June 19, 2014
Gang Unity Nation Wide!
June 19, 2014
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