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definition for: #EggMafia

October 24, 2013
1 Definition for Hashtag #EggMafia
Egg Mafia is a slang, derogatory name for the egg Supply Management system in Canada. The Egg Mafia members are all individuals and organizations who directly or indirectly benefit from the monopoly created by Canada?s Federal and Provincial Governments. The Egg Mafia, through their delegated powers, regulate the laying, grading, buying, import, export, selling, pricing, transportation, marketing, and advertising of chicken eggs in Canada. The Egg Mafia use their powers to charge Canadians about 53% more for eggs than the same eggs outside Canada (eg. available in USA), and to prevent or limit locally produced, affordable food. The Egg Mafia has its own private police force ("Egg Police") who claim to have the power to search and inspect any place without warrant, seize eggs & business records, and lay charges against anybody they suspect of violating the Egg Mafia?s rules. See #ChickenMafia for a similar system for broiler and roaster chickens.
October 24, 2013
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