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definition for: #GPVDI

July 9, 2013
8 Definitions for Hashtag #GPVDI
GPVDI - Global Personal Voice Data Interface You speak. GPVDI listens, understands and acts The use of language independent Meaning Based Computing technology from HP Autonomy.com with IBMWatson and other industry standard, best quality, technology from companies such as Nuance, Voxeo, IBM, etc., coupled with voice biometrics, voice stress analysis and personal profiling to accurately understand an individual?s (or group?s) problems, needs, wants and desires and then help them find answers, directions, connections, etc., in order to achieve the results needed for that individual?s (or group?s) benefit. http://***http://***http://***http://***http://***http://***http://***
July 9, 2013
I have wanted an open line to a 'thing' that listens with all the power at its command. A something that helps when I am stuck for a word Something that remembers what I am supposed to be doing next Something that knows which one of my medications is bad for me Something that remembers everything I loved so once in a while it can remind me (-: Something that knows my beliefs enough to join me in with every fight for what I truly believe and keeps my voice there until the fight is won Something there and ready as I sit here now - so, if I decide to talk out loud to myself, or the room... or to 'this thing' I know I will be talking to something that understands what I am saying, clarifies points if needs be, puts me through to someone who knows what I'm asking and who doesn't mind answering or whatever my head lets out and seeks answers for. Something that can show me a lot about myself and society through the use of the best of the best analytics and medical technology available now
July 9, 2013
GPVDI ? Global Personal Voice Data Interface "My GPVDI is a mirror on a wall in any town centre. When I stand in front of it for a second or so,whilst saying anything, it starts up and already knows who I am. This is my link to anyone and anything. I can say "Mum I'll be late" and Mum knows instantly. I can say "Give Josh the money I owe him" and it will. "
July 11, 2013
GPVDI ? Global Personal Voice Data Interface My GPVDI is an app on my phone It's taken over my phone completely. All I do is start talking to my phone and it is already listening. When I stumble on a word it is there with word If I can't remember someone's name it is usually there with that name When I'm reacting badly to my medicines it is there letting me know and what to do about it When I want to talk to someone about something it puts me through to someone really satisfying This app can use any app, or any part of any app, or any part of any program available Any command in any open source, freeware, android, Linux, or other openly usable, or available upon payment, app or program, can be used, triggered, by me - just asking I can contact anyone I like in any way I like I can talk about anything I like and get come back that is fun and even makes sense I can do something about things that piss me off - this app listens to how angry I am and lets me do something about it, whilst having my lunch break or my walk in the wood BUT most of all this app, my app, makes sure that if I say I'm going to do something I do it I love my app My GPVDI app is my friend when my friends aren't available
July 11, 2013
GPVDI ? Global Personal Voice Data Interface My GPVDI helps stop me blowing my life apart because I was abused as a kid
July 11, 2013
GPVDI ? Global Personal Voice Data Interface I have my GPVDI on every first meeting I go on - if I'm dealing with a bullshit merchant I like to know
July 11, 2013
GPVDI ? Global Personal Voice Data Interface My kit is built into my front door - I'm safe from bogus callers
July 11, 2013
This is what's needed to take all the output from One Billion Rising @VDay and turn it into tools to alter the habits of a planet withing just a few years... and help and rescue a lot of abuse victims sooner rather than later
April 25, 2014
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