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definition for: #Gigafast

January 1, 2018
1 Definition for Hashtag #Gigafast
#Gigafast - The name for Gigabit FTTP/FTTH 1,000 Mbps or higher speed fibre optic broadband projects such as B4RN (U.K. rural communities), plus commercial U.K. businesses Hyperoptic, Ggaclear and others in the United Kingdom and similar suppliers worldwide.. Lower speed existing broadband suppliers employing twisted pair copper wires to feed lower speed broadband access to the home use the terms 'superfast' or 'hyperfast'. Gifafast is therefore used from the beginning of 2018, to differentiate these ultra-modern Gigabit fibre optic services with 'fibre to the home/premises'.
January 1, 2018
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