definition for: #Iamnottiredofthisyet
3 Definitions for Hashtag #Iamnottiredofthisyet
We need to harness advancement in technology, employ greener methods and components resulting in sustainability in order to bring in a lot more desirable changes within the industry we are in!
#Technology useful for the #society from #sustainability point of view ALSO means........
...........low-cost buildings, Greener methods of construction, Innovative methods for construction resulting in energy savings and making it more environmental friendly ...Alternative to natural resources, Automation of the otherwise labor-intensive construction methodologies,Harnessing the latest developments in technological developments and a lot more other aspects.
I am not tired of taking up #Iamnottiredofthisyet this topic again and again with the various forums and social media like LinkedIn.
#technology#energymanagement solutions to construction#innovative construction products, services and solutions#intelligentconstruction #civil engineering #geo#Buildingmaterials#soil #ground Improvement# infrastructructure and more!