definition for: #JeffTheFish
2 Definitions for Hashtag #JeffTheFish
ENGLISH: JEFF THE FISH has been collecting Black music records for 30 years and still buys new records now. As a youth he was a music obsessive and spent a lot of time at Reggae sound systems and Soul clubs. He got serious about music when he lived in Brixton, South London in the 80's. Later he was in the music business (as a musician, producer, artist manager and label owner) for some 20 years and has been involved in many styles and projects in the past ranging from Jazz Funk to Jungle and assisted in launching some major artists in his time in the business. He has retired from all that these days, but still loves to DJ.
He also promotes various nights of his own and is part of the KEEPERS OF THE LOST GROOVE organisation in France (see group and page on facebook). Among the eclectic styles he plays are Reggae, Jazz, Hip Hop, old style RnB, Rare Groove, Funk and Soul. He enjoys DJing, and sees it as a mission in keeping these styles of music alive and introducing them to newer and younger audiences. His main focus as a DJ is to create a good atmosphere, good vibes and get a party going with some great quality music.. after all, that’s why you came out isn’t it? You can contact him via facebook on his personal profile (JEFF THEFISH) or email at He is also on mixcloud if you want to hear some music..
FRENCH: JEFF THE FISH collectionne les disques de black music depuis plus de 30 ans, influencé par une jeunesse passée dans las sound-systems Reggae et les Soul clubs de Londres il commença à s’investir dans le business de la musique dès les années 80 lorsqu’il vivait à Brixton. Il fut impliqué pendant plus de 20 années dans les scènes Jazz-Funk à Jungle où il participa (en tant qu’artiste, musicien, producteur, label manager, promoter) à un grand nombre de projets et contribua à lancer plusieurs artistes majeurs de cette période.
Aujourd’hui retiré des affaires, il se consacre à sa carrière de DJ qui lui permet de promouvoir certains styles musicaux en les proposant à de nouveaux publics. Jeff est le promoter de soirées Londoniennes telles que “It’s Your Thing”, il fait aussi partie de l’organisation “Keepers Of The Lost Groove” et de l'équipe du "Jazzcotech International weekender" en France. Avec talent et éclectisme, il mélange avec aisance Funk, Jazz, Breaks, Hiphop, Rare Groove, Soul et Reggae, tout en créant naturellement une excellente atmosphere festive et qualitative.Vous pouvez le contacter par email ( ou a Facebook JEFF THEFISH et entendre sets sur mixcloud.