definition for: #MakeTheBestOfYourLife
1 Definition for Hashtag #MakeTheBestOfYourLife
Title of book by Prabhu Guptara, published by Forward Press (New Delhi, India) on 23 August 2018. The full title of the book is: "Make the Best of Your Life: Letters to Bahujan Youth" Note: "Bahujan" means the majority of Indians (who have historically been discriminated against, oppressed and dispossessed). Bahujans contrast with the minority of the population which has, from time immemorial, cornered the lion's share of the benefits of the country . This is the first-ever self-help book written specifically for Bahujans. The Hindi edition of the book is published simultaneously, by Forward Press, with the title कैसे बनाएं जीवन को खू़बसूरत : बहुजन युवाओं के नाम पत्र