definition for: #MathafEncyclopedia
1 Definition for Hashtag #MathafEncyclopedia
???In collaboration with Qatar Museums and Qatar Foundation, Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern art introduces its long-term project, Mathaf Encyclopedia of Modern Art and the Arab World (MEMAAW) to provide a major resource on Arab artists and their histories. Initiated by H.E. Sheikh Hassan bin Mohammed bin Ali Al Thani, as part of the development of Mathaf and knowledge around its collection, the research team at Mathaf commissions scholars and independent researchers to write encyclopedia entries/biographies, under the direction of Professor Nada Shabout, consulting Director of Research at Mathaf.
The bilingual Encyclopedia is a free online scholarly comprehensive resource that will provide basic facts and in depth information on modern art of the Arab world. The Encyclopedia aims to standardize the data on Arab artists and to encourage multiple perspectives on modernism in the Arab world while providing a comprehensive view on its development.