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definition for: #NairobiEducationFair

January 9, 2015
1 Definition for Hashtag #NairobiEducationFair
The Nairobi International Education Fair (NIEF) is the largest and longest running education fair held in the East and Central Africa region. Since its inception 16 years ago, NIEF has successfully established itself as the regions prime education fair for local and international institutions of higher education. Over a period of 16 years, NIEF has built a strong brand identity and established itself as Kenya?s leading and most result-oriented education exhibition. Held in high regard by participating institutions and visiting students alike, the Fair has evolved into a crucial first step in pursuing educational careers for students. The Nairobi International Education Fair a 4 day event that is held in Nairobi, Kenya gives college and university representatives the opportunity to meet some of the brightest students from the country's most progressive and prestigious schools while providing ample time for one-on-one discussions between college representatives and potential students ? and even their parents.
January 9, 2015
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