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definition for: #NaturalAfterlife

August 17, 2018
2 Definitions for Hashtag #NaturalAfterlife
Your natural afterlife is dying while believing you’re in heaven (or hell) and for all eternity never knowing otherwise. It's not like the afterlife most people envision in that it's natural vs. supernatural, psychological and relativistic, and timeless. You're having a heavenly or hellish-like experience within an end-of-life dream or vision (ELDV) or near-death experience (NDE). Then you die, never waking up and so never aware that this experience is over (just like you've never been aware any dream was over until you woke up). From your perspective (that of which only the mind can perceive), an imperceptible death has made the final moment of your ELDV or NDE a timeless and everlasting afterlife.
August 17, 2018
The natural afterlife of a time and conscious perceptible creature is its final conscious moment—most often a dream, vision, or near-death experience (NDE) moment--that is followed only by the timelessness ensuing before and after death yet is perceived as a forever present moment within a never-ending, though imperceptibly timeless afterlife experience.
August 18, 2018
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