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definition for: #NextGenNAW

February 13, 2015
1 Definition for Hashtag #NextGenNAW
NextGen Noise Assault Weapon NextGen an Assault Weapon being used by the US Government against its citizens on American soil. NextGen is an airport traffic plan being implemented in the United States that compresses jet traffic into tight streams of flights creating a passenger safety hazard and also focusing the majority of jet noise into narrow streams as well. Flight tracing data suggests those noise streams are being routed onto low income & elderly neighborhoods where, historically, near zero jet noise existed. NextGen is supported by the Airline Industry, in particular US Airways, to increase profits. Also related to @SecretaryFoxx @USDOT #BeyondTraffic initiatives. #NextGenKills #Foxxslum #stripslum
February 13, 2015
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