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definition for: #P8_DCL_2016_0048

June 6, 2016
2 Definitions for Hashtag #P8_DCL_2016_0048
Written declaration on stopping organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China
June 6, 2016
European Parliament Written declaration subject to vote from 27-04-2016 to 27-07-2016 0048/2016 Written declaration, under Rule 136 of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, on stopping organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China 1.The Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs was adopted by the Council of Europe on 9 July 2014 in order to criminalise illegal organ transplantations; it was subsequently opened for signature, and every country is encouraged to sign. 2.There have been persistent credible reports on systematic, state-sanctioned organ harvesting from non -consenting prisoners of conscience in the People’s Republic of China, primarily from practitioners of Falun Gong peaceful meditation and exercises but also from Uighurs, Tibetans and Christians. 3.The international community has strongly condemned organ harvesting in China and actions should be taken to end it. 4.Owing to the severity of underlying abuse there is a clear need to organise without delay an independent investigation into ongoing organ harvesting in the People’s Republic of China. 5.The Commission and the Council are called upon to implement Parliament’s resolution of 12 December 2013 on organ harvesting in China and provide a report on this issue. 6.This declaration, together with the names of the signatories, is forwarded to the Council and the Commission.
June 6, 2016
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