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definition for: #R4H

February 13, 2015
4 Definitions for Hashtag #R4H
A resource for those in need a health-related or disability-related financial needs and information.
February 13, 2015
Resources 4 Help is aimed at providing a platform for sharing the of information for the disabled, ill-stricken, and those in need of health-related financial assistance involved in community health and financial assistance to those in need. Open the discussion and use #R4H to get involved, share your knowledge and ask questions to others that share your need or ideas. We hope our find valuable resources, great discussion, assistance and new friends via #R4H.
February 13, 2015
A discussion and knowledge sharing base for people who are disabled or have disability related issues such as: Housing Assistance, Financial Assistance, Medical Questions or Assistance, and general daily challenges or ideas on living with a disability or someone who is disabled.
February 13, 2015
Open discussion to get involved, share your knowledge and ask questions to others that share your need or ideas regarding disabilities, daily living needs. Health and disability or financial trends and topics.
February 13, 2015
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