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definition for: #RadicalVoting

August 17, 2019
2 Definitions for Hashtag #RadicalVoting
Vote twice, first in the Primary elections, voting for new and better leaders; then later in the General election. A 'Top Ten List' for election law reforms was at the core of this idea but we see also that every election season will have it's most significant issue, and #RadicalVoting would be a challenge to all those incumbents who are on the wrong side of this significant issue; in 2020 the significant issue is IMPEACHMENT NOW! -- In 2022 it could be health care, or reproductive rights, immigration, drought, climate change, or whatever is most important for that year; same thing done, every election, repeatedly (until all the core, 'Top Ten List' for election law reforms made); updated as appropriate.
August 17, 2019
CUT THE HEAD OFF THE SNAKE is our prime objective: IMPEACHMENT NOW! ....with nationwide, coast-to-coast *PRIMARY CHALLENGES* to help the idea along. 🌐THE PLAN -- (Encouraged a lot, because something powerful and real is needed to challenge our current slide into hate and madness) WHY such focus on these real world political powerful tactic? -- Because it's desperately needed; and...and we can do it and win! -- The situation so desperate that it seems to be a choice between coming up with a real 'wake up call' to our failed politics...or else stay stuck in 'panic attacks,' or something. Panic attacks don't help. So... We (the tens of thousands who already on this path), We want Impeachment Now! ...and I urge 137 Democratic Primary challenges! --- nationwide/coast-to-coast, to clean up the rest of the mess.
August 17, 2019
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