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definition for: #SocialEvolution

February 18, 2017
3 Definitions for Hashtag #SocialEvolution
Social Selling = Social Sharing, and connecting with others through social media and social networking has been recognized as essential for anyone in business – from entrepreneurs to businesses and organizations of all sizes. I’m David Gross, CEO of “A New Way of Being in Business - Consulting and Training Inc.” and for me, “SocialEvolution” reflects the evolution of how we Communicate To Connect, and the messaging we use to ignite interest, influence and impact.
February 18, 2017
Social Selling = Social Sharing, and connecting with others through social media and social networking has been recognized as essential for anyone in business – from entrepreneurs to businesses and organizations of all sizes. I’m David Gross, CEO of “A New Way of Being in Business - Consulting and Training Inc.” and for me, “SocialEvolution” reflects the evolution of how we Communicate To Connect, and the messaging we use to ignite interest, influence and impact.
February 18, 2017
Sharing strategies on “Communicating to Connect” with messages to build interest, influence and impact, B2B + B2C + C2C.
February 18, 2017
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