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definition for: #SufferingNoMore

April 19, 2018
2 Definitions for Hashtag #SufferingNoMore
The world entertainment space will be stormed by a new arrival on Friday, April 27, 2018 when OELA music brand will drop an R&B single titled, ‘Suffering No More’ and inspire the world to overcome all impossibilities. The song to be available for download on iTunes, Apple Music, YouTube and over 30 other channels was inspired by the need to understand that suffering in Africa and many other parts of the world is not destined, neither a cross to bear, but due to a wrong mindset about who we are. OELA, the Nigerian based Artist in the song takes the world through a journey of self-consciousness about injustice that breeds suffering with people complaining about lacks and limitations, stagnation, no job, no food, no light, no house, no money to spend!
April 19, 2018
The song writer, Segun Adeleye said music is one of the most powerful tools one can use to inspire the world to become a better place because while in the mood of relaxation and enjoyment, music will pass the message with a lasting impact.
April 19, 2018
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