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definition for: #TheElephantInTheRoom

June 12, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #TheElephantInTheRoom
The President of the United is Barack Obama who won through the democratic process twice but factions within the United States; members of the Senate, House, state legislators, republican entities, and other unmentioned organizations have worked relentlessly against the President's Policies in an attempt to make the reign of the first African American President ill-relevant. Their success is becoming the downfall of American. As long as we don't acknowledge TheElephanInTheRoom we can tell ourselves any lie we need to justify this travesty of injustice. But all is being recorded by history and very soon there will be no denying the truth. History will tell the truth of this brilliant, Nobel Prize winning man who became the first African American President there-by changing history. And that dear friends is something that can not be undone.
June 12, 2014
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