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definition for: #WakeUpGOP

December 13, 2017
6 Definitions for Hashtag #WakeUpGOP
Running list of almost daily examples of why Donald J. Trump is unfit and needs to be removed from office. By ignoring the ongoing chaos created by this president , the GOP is fully complicit in the actions of Donald J. Trump.
December 13, 2017
Running list of almost daily examples of why Donald J. Trump is unfit and needs to be removed from office. By ignoring the ongoing chaos created by this president , the GOP is fully complicit in the actions of Donald J. Trump.
December 13, 2017
Running list of almost daily examples of why Donald J. Trump is unfit and needs to be removed from office. By ignoring the ongoing chaos created by this president , the GOP is fully complicit in the actions of Donald J. Trump.
December 13, 2017
Running list of almost daily examples of why Donald J. Trump is unfit and needs to be removed from office. By ignoring the ongoing chaos created by this president , the GOP is fully complicit in the actions of Donald J. Trump.Running list of almost daily examples of why Donald J. Trump is unfit and needs to be removed from office. By ignoring the ongoing chaos created by this president , the GOP is fully complicit in the actions of Donald J. Trump.Running list of almost daily examples of why Donald J. Trump is unfit and needs to be removed from office. By ignoring the ongoing chaos created by this president , the GOP is fully complicit in the actions of Donald J. Trump.
December 13, 2017
Running list of almost daily examples of why Donald J. Trump is unfit and needs to be removed from office. By ignoring the ongoing chaos created by this president , the GOP is fully complicit in the actions of Donald J. Trump.Running list of almost daily examples of why Donald J. Trump is unfit and needs to be removed from office. By ignoring the ongoing chaos created by this president , the GOP is fully complicit in the actions of Donald J. Trump.Running list of almost daily examples of why Donald J. Trump is unfit and needs to be removed from office. By ignoring the ongoing chaos created by this president , the GOP is fully complicit in the actions of Donald J. Trump.
December 13, 2017
Running list of almost daily examples of why Donald J. Trump is unfit and needs to be removed from office. By ignoring the ongoing chaos created by this president , the GOP is fully complicit in the actions of Donald J. Trump.
December 13, 2017
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