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definition for: #Xenios

December 10, 2019
2 Definitions for Hashtag #Xenios
Xenios Project Fast –Secure –Scalable –GreenXenios blockchain is a hybrid POW/POS that usesthe scrypt algorithm.Working on this,we discovereda special modification that resolves all scrypt issues using a smart new innovative technology. Xenios blockchain POW and POSsystemworks simultaneously in asynchronous mode in every open wallet without the need of mining hardware or mining pool etc.
December 10, 2019
Fast –Secure –Scalable –Green Xenios blockchain is a hybrid POW/POS that usesthe scrypt algorithm.Working on this,we discovereda special modification that resolves all scrypt issues using a smart new innovative technology. Xenios blockchain POW and POSsystemworks simultaneously in asynchronous mode in every open wallet without the need of mining hardware or mining pool etc.Every wallet works as a micro-node that utilizes only 0,5% of CPU power to produce a block for POW mode. This innovation helps the coin chain to be more secure and faster than ever. It prevents 51% of the hacking attacks and provide an environmentally-friendly ecosystem that favors real decentralization.As a real fully decentralized platform, without mines, pools, or master nodes, nobody can take control of the chain in any way impossible.Xenios Blockchain offers a secure, fast, and fully decentralized solution with almost zero energy consumption. As mining hardware is not required, no electronic waste is produced by Xenios blockchain on any occasion. A truly green blockchain ecosystem
December 10, 2019
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