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definition for: #adhocsa

March 8, 2016
2 Definitions for Hashtag #adhocsa
One of the favourite pastimes of the South African President and his ruling party - the ANC - is that when he (or they) are criticized, attacked by the media (or racists), been caught out in nefarious activities etc., to cover their backs and to give them more time to hide or try and justify their actions, they call for the now infamous 'ad hoc' committee. Where the concept of the ad hoc commitee falls short is that the ruling party can vote to get any decision overturned or to not see or hear crucial evidence or testimony as it is 'not deemed necessary or useful'. I have worked out a few examples of what the letters a d h o c actually stand for in the South African context and would encourage others to add their own definitions and possibly even to explain the meanings or context where that expression was used in SA. Although this is just a bit of fun, it is also a bittere gelechte or sad joke.
March 8, 2016
Please add your acronym for the letters A D H O C specifically in the South African Context or beyond if need be. Please also add in details or instances when a specific acronym was evident - to whichever acronym you like or resonate with.
March 8, 2016
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