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definition for: #fairIME

December 4, 2012
1 Definition for Hashtag #fairIME
Independent Medical Examinations (IME's) are medical assessments usually organised by a third party to assist in the assessment of a claim e.g. worker's compensation or other type of insurance or disability benefits claim. Independent Medical Examiners should be unbiased and impartial and not provide an opinion to suit the requesting party. They cannot be the person's own doctor/physician. They should only provide an opinion in areas of their medical expertise and their opinion should be evidence-based. Independent medical examiners should not express a final opinion without having all the relevant information to provide an opinion and should seek further information if it is not available at the time of the assessment. They should treat the person being assessed with respect and conduct the assessment in a completely professional manager in accordance with medical ethical principles. This is a fair IME.
December 4, 2012
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