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definition for: #flagabuse

May 28, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #flagabuse
examples of anti-American and Anti-Patriotic activities by individuals, groups, companies and organizations in the United States. Examples include, but are not limited to, eliminating the word God or In God We Trust or the symbol of the American Flag from anywhere it is normally and - or historically used in America including on our public and government buildings and on our currency and in our national Anthem; eliminating or banning prayer or saying the Pledge Of Allegiance or the singing of patriotic songs such as The Star Spangled Banner in schools and any other venues in the United States; any and all acts of disrespect or disparagement or abuse of our military veterans, military troops or the military services they belong to; banning flying the American Flag and American Flag raising ceremonies; substituting any other flag for the American Flag where the American Flag should be flown; Not following the rules of etiquette when handling or flying the American Flag; doing anything that directly dishonors the American Flag, our revered patriotic symbols, traditions and practices, or the military veterans and troops that have won and protect our freedom here and abroad.
May 28, 2014
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