definition for: #happyend
5 Definitions for Hashtag #happyend
HappyEnd is a series of entertainment & lifestyle resource guides to successful modern living for adult professionals produced by Daniel King Vardis (and Daniel Obiago).
HappyEnd is also the name of a book, movie-plot and a song written by Daniel King Vardis.
HappyEnd is defined by Daniel King Vardis (and Daniel Obiago) as the satisfactory conclusion of a predetermined event or action; or series of events or actions.
HappyEnd is often substituted for happyendings; or in street jargon, happyendz. As defined by Daniel King Vardis (and Daniel Obiago).
HappyEnd is also defined by Daniel King Vardis (and Daniel Obiago) to mean any of the following expressions: 'goodluck'; or 'take care'; or 'cool runnings'; or a form of agreement; or prophesy; all depending on the context in which 'happyend' is used. Again, in relation to the satisfactory conclusion of a predetermined event or action; or series of events or actions.