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definition for: #kaalrav

February 27, 2016
1 Definition for Hashtag #kaalrav
Kaalrav is the annual techno-cultural festival of Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Majitar, Sikkim, India. Started in the year 2001, it is one of the largest college festivals held in North-East India. From extravagant dance to mind-bending music to invigorating drama to originative fashion to aesthetic art to abstract literature to innovative engineering, Kaalrav has it all, the life breathing into the air of SMIT. With thousands of participants, more than a hundred exciting events, it is 3 days of amusement when the silence breaks to cheers of joy. It witnesses the clash of some of the brightest minds of our country paving way to the discovery of champions every year.
February 27, 2016
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