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definition for: #laguagua

September 29, 2013
1 Definition for Hashtag #laguagua
La Guagua is full-feature independent movie written and directed by filmmaker Victorious Ramos. Produced on a micro budget in just four days and filmed entirely in the state of Rhode Island, it premiered at the Providence Latin American Film Festival in September of 2013 to a sold out house. Known as the five dollar movie for the dollar amount paid to cast and crew members who worked on the project, La Guagua is preparing to tour the film via film festivals worldwide through 2014. Guagua is an improper Spanish term used to identify passenger mini-buses or vans. The name derives from children and parents who identify the vehicles by the sound of their horns as they arrive. "Here comes la Gua-Gua!" La Guagua: Song released by Grammy winning Merengue artist Juan Luis Guerra in 2010.http://***
September 29, 2013
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