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definition for: #nuland

March 31, 2017
1 Definition for Hashtag #nuland
Vicatoria Nuland was the US ambassador to Ukraine and during her time in Kiev she gave $ US 5 billions - not millions- to Ukrainian fascists. These happenes to live mostly in the Western part which was part of Poland and Austria-Hungary in history. This part fought against Stalin with Hitler the leader called Bandera was a German army officer burried in Munich. The KGB fought the partisans in the forests till the late fifties. These Western Ukrainians speak Ukrainian not Russian at home not like most Ukrainians in the East, in Kiev and in Odessa and Crimea. They speak Rusian at home. Their religion is Greek-Catholic if they are religious which means they listen to Rome. And that is why they hate Russia and Russians they are Orthodoxor dont believe. The CIA knew all this and used it until 2014 the year when Ukraine started a war in eastern provinces of Donetz and Lugansk with Russia after Crimea was taken by Russia. Victoria Nuland and other US embassy staff and the CIA financed mostly the Western Ukrainians but also other ones all over Ukraine in order to instigate them to seperate from Russia. The Organe Revolution is just part of it. The pravy sector or right sector is the organisation that greets Hitler and Bandera lifting the right arm and wearing nazi flags. They also support youth camps doing so. Just before Clinton got into her campaign and before Trump arrived in Washington Victoria Nuland became assistant secretary of state in Washington under secretary of state Kerry. Donald Trump immediately removed her from the state department after he became President.
March 31, 2017
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