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definition for: #scienceofstartup

January 11, 2014
2 Definitions for Hashtag #scienceofstartup
Lean startup cost and productivity improvement intelligence practices to drive excellence in execution!
January 11, 2014
the science of startups: The light weight tools standout in simplicity, and user friendliness. It has integrated alerting system and messaging for team collaboration. The platform provides an effective way to practice the cycle of planning, implementing, measuring and reacting in all stages of a startup?s execution. Visual dashboards are curated for the needs of all the stakeholders - the team, founder, investor and incubator. The team can track KPI?s for Planning, Financing, Development and Marketing. The founder gets vital information on individual performance of team members, alerts for critical KPI?s and intelligent performance improvement recommendations and diagnostics. The investor and incubator can track the overall effectiveness of a team?s execution. This performance index can be compared with everybody else on the platform and with all other startups in your network or investment.
January 11, 2014
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