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definition for: #severesepsis

February 9, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #severesepsis
severe sepsis is the 2nd stage of sepsis. Stage 2: severe sepsis occurs when infection disrupts blood flow to the brain, kidneys, and other organs leading to organ failure. Blood clots can cause (tissue death) and even gangrene in the arms, legs, fingers, toes. Tissue death can also occur in the brain and kidney. In fact, like a stroke, sepsis can cause permanent brain damage especially if the diagnosis or treatment is delayed. severe sepsis is the 2nd of 3 unique stages with a potential to follow sepsis (stage 1) and may lead to septic shock (stage 3). Stage 1: sepsis occurs when an infection becomes advanced and causes inflammation throughout the body. Infection that does not advance to sepsis may still be important to treat very quickly but is not necessarily a medical emergency. Stage 3: septic shock occurs when blood pressure drops significantly and/or acid builds up in the body. This can lead to respiratory, heart, or organ failure and death. It's important to know the earliest signs/symptoms of, what may be, severe sepsis; Time is critical and medical intervention is required if sepsis is suspected. Symptoms may appear commonplace and passable; it's quite easy to see how one might under react as easily as they might overreact. One very important sign is shortness of breath, which may indicate an advanced state and severe emergency. In addition to using a list of common symptoms, use common sense when assessing health. Being aware of one's overall well being and state of health should be taken into consideration when suspecting sepsis. Whether it's your health or the health of someone you love, everyday symptoms + rapid deterioration of overall health = S stop E everything P lease S symptoms I indicate S severe
February 9, 2014
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