definition for: #sociologicalsafety
2 Definitions for Hashtag #sociologicalsafety
Sociological Safety is manifest in the strength of “our alignment with society,” whether the societal entity in question is our family, our company, our culture, or our country.
We shouldn't just "feel" safe. If our real (empirical) level of risk is greater than the statistical mean risk for others, we and our sociological environment are not aligned. The lower the risk, the greater the alignment. Every person would like to be a full member of any group or organization to which they belong. But belonging to an organization and belonging in an organization can be quite different. Our level of Sociological Safety and any variance from the mean in real terms (not just psychological feeling) is the way to understand and measure our alignment with the societies of which we are a part. Contact IngoodCompany on Twitter for more information.