definition for: #spirituality
3 Definitions for Hashtag #spirituality
Man are not define by what they see but they are define with what they are carrying #spirituality# tinz
Many people like to tell others they are a 'spiritual' person probably to let them know they are not materialistic or superficial and that they 'get it'. That's fine if we all understand and agree on what we're talking about.
Traditionally being spiritual signified having an attachment to religious values, or matters of the spirit, rather than material or worldly interests.
More recently it has also taken on to mean reaching higher levels of consciousness using meditation, yoga and similar practices.
I consider spirituality to be a state in which we are connected to God, Nature, each other, and the deepest part of ourselves.
Why is spirituality important in our lives?
In order for us to function fully, all aspects of ourselves must be balanced. Our mind, body and spirit have to be in harmony with each other.
We cannot focus on the material and neglect the spiritual. People may think that being spiritual is difficult and demanding, but that is not the case.
The Lord has shown you oh man what is good. And what the Lord requires of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. The book of Micah, chapter 6 verse 8.
The the heart of Spirituality is to be like our creator.