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definition for: #udmbook

1 Definition for Hashtag #udmbook
New book with a feature documentary by Urban Dance Historian and Anthropologist, Thomas Guzman-Sanchez. This book is a comprehensive, historical bible on the subject of urban street dance and its influence on modern dance, hip-hop, and pop culture. In Underground Dance Masters: Final History of a Forgotten Era, an urban street dancer who was part of the scene in the early 1970s sets the record straight, blowing the lid off this uniquely American dance style and culture. This text redefines hip hop dance and the origins of a worldwide phenomenon, explaining the origins of classic forms such as Funk Boogaloo, Locking, Popping, Roboting, Punking, Jacking, Zig-zag, Crossover Locking and B'boying?some of the most important developments in modern dance that directly affect today's pop culture. http://*** http://***
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