Many Twitter users follow a number of comedians and parody accounts to get their daily dose of humor. There are some notable individuals on the social media site that will help start your day right and surely send you in a fit of chuckles any time of the day.
Here are the top ten comedians worth following on Twitter.
Milton commands close to 300,000 followers on Twitter. You will like his witty one-liners and short jokes which he shares several times each week.
The comedian has made a huge name for himself through his self-named TV series. He currently has 2.1 million Twitter followers. He shares funny jokes regarding politics, television and social media.
The comedian and writer has 977,000 followers on Twitter. He frequently talks about restaurants, books and stores. His tweets have become very popular among fans that these were shown on Netflix. He received an award in 2012 for being the funniest man on Twitter.
The British actor and comedian has 7.3 million followers on Twitter. He likes to joke about music, religion, pop culture and international affairs. People like how he can get brutally honest on issues, at the same time sharing his funny one-liners.
Siedell currently has close to 680,000 Twitter followers. He likes to tweet jokes referring to politics and celebrities and other original funny ideas. Social media users looking for humor in various fields will enjoy following the comedian.
Colbert has 5.5 million Twitter followers. He usually tweets about current events, American traditions and events as well as Hollywood. He appears on several TV shows with other comedians like Jimmy Fallon. He is host of The Colbert Report on Comedy Central.
The popular TV host has collaborated with several celebrities to come up with new jokes and parodies covering pop culture, social media and other significant world events. Fallon currently commands 10.9 million Twitter followers. He is one of the most famous comedians in the United States today.
Another famous comedy show host, Conan has made waves through the years and continues his comical legacy on Twitter, sharing jokes about recent events and major issues in the United States and the world. Despite having 9.4 million Twitter fans, he only follows one.
Since joining Twitter, the actor and comedian has garnered 4.4 million followers and continues to share his witty one-liners on the social media site. Martin likes to talk about health, ObamaCare and using Twitter, among other things.
1. Milton Jones (@themiltonjones)

2. Jerry Seinfeld (@JerrySeinfeld)

3. Rob Delaney (@robdelaney)

4. Mike Scully (@scullymike)
Mike is best known for his writings for The Simpsons, Everybody Loves Raymond and Recreation among others. He usually discusses pop culture. His 95,000 Twitter fans adore his honest wit and sarcasm.5. Russell Brand (@rustyrockets)

6. Tim Siedell (@badbanana)

7. Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome)

8. Jimmy Fallon (@jimmyfallon)

9. Conan O?Brien (@ConanOBrien)

10. Steve Martin (@SteveMartinToGo)