There are a number of mistakes you can commit on social media platforms. Some of these can lead to long-term or even permanent damage.
Sharing personal details is acceptable but only to a certain degree.
You have to be careful on the details you divulge online because it can be seen by hundreds or thousands of people in a matter of minutes.
Here are some tips and examples of celebrity mistakes.
Superstar rapper Kanye West (@KanyeWest)?also made the mistake of posting about girlfriend Kim Kardashian after they had sex -- which he deleted shortly after. (But the damage had been done.)
Use direct messaging on Twitter?instead or simply share it verbally. This way, there won?t be any lasting evidence about posts that you might regret after.
Generally, people should follow their conscience and gut feel when it comes to posting personal information. If you feel hesitant or feel that it might be offensive to others, refrain from tweeting.
Also avoid posting if you feel exasperated, depressed and furious. Many online users resort to tweeting and then realize that they said too much than they really intended to. Read more about Twitter Etiquette.
Take some time to relax and calm down before posting online.
Celebrities Who Tweeted More Than What They Should Have
Cameron Diaz revealed in an interview that she bought weed from rapper Snoop Dogg (@SnoopDogg) when she was still in high school and that she used to smoke weed at least once each day. Although the details suggested a similar feel as a young student who tried marijuana for the first time, it might be do more damage than good for someone who is in her acting peak and have millions of online followers. Diaz told comedian George Lopez on the latter's late night show in early 2011: "We went to high school together, he was a year older than me. I remember him there? He was very tall and skinny, wore lots of ponytails? And I?m pretty sure I bought weed from him." Snoop appears to have confirmed what Diaz said on TV in a tweet.
Rules for Staying Personal
Many social media enthusiasts suggest that personal information should only be shared to close friends. If you need to think twice about what you?re going to post, it is likely that there are some details that might be better off removed.