Taylor Swift's?latest single is #WelcomeToNewYork and it has already blown up across social media. The hashtag originated at approximately 6 AM Central Standard Time (CST) and immediately exploded across Twitter. Over 15 thousand Tweets rang out across that first hour and held a pretty widely spaced trend through the day. On and off people seemed to be anxious to get their hands on the newly released single which officially released to the public's access on the morning of the 20th.
Swift's new album titled 1989 is set to be released next Tuesday the 27th. The singles Shake It Off and #WelcomeToNewYork are just two of the many soon-to-be hit tracks on the new record. Taylor Swift has been known for reaching the top of the charts quite often during her releases but the social media trends were usually at much higher popularity. However, people could be too busy enjoying the new tunes to be posting about it. What we can expect for sure is for her new album to be one of the top trending hashtags of next week and maybe even for the whole month if it holds to its standards. One thing is for sure, diehard fans and those newly introduced to Taylor Swift definitely enjoyed this release of #WelcomeToNewYork
People had all sorts of things to say about the new single. Those who still have not listened to it beg to find where they can. From the love the song is receiving on Twitter and social media, #WelcomeToNewYork sounds like another one of Taylor's top releases of all time. It's even surpassed her previous single Shake It Off on iTunes. As usual with Swift's releases, expect another (even bigger) hashtag trend to come soon. With the 1989 release less than a week away, Taylor Swift will most likely hold a spot on top of hashtag trends.
Featured graphic: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Taylor_Swift. Creative Commons 2.0 generic.