It happens every season. Fans will pick their favorite bachelorette and hope she winds up with #TheBachelor. On the season finale, #TheBachelor picks his favorite lady who is most fitting for him. Whether or not they get married is another season. While the whole show revolves around one man trying to find the perfect fit for a wife, what happens after the show might now be what fans expect. Still, the entire season itself gives one man a chance to find a woman perfect for him out of a large group. For the entertainment of the television audience and for the sake of the love of #TheBachelor, the entire show ends in a great encore and one final decision.
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As the night rolled on, it appeared the show got more and more interesting as it progressed. While everybody knew the final bachelorettes that the star could choose from, nobody knew exactly who he liked the most. So, the trend only continued to grow. Up until the end of the show, the suspense grew steadily until #TheBachelor finally figured out what and who he wanted the most. This led to a final spike of the hashtag's use. And plenty of commentary from the social media fan base.
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As the finale was announced, fans chose between the two favorite candidates. Torn almost in half, social media was lit up about the finale. Finally though, their predictions were either justified or completely wrong.
With plenty of surprises and suspense, fans were more than satisfied with the finale. However, while they knew they didn't have the final word in the show, many were somewhat disappointed with #TheBachelor 's final decision. Fortunately for many others, their predictions were correct and they were able to agree and reach satisfaction that the man they had been following had reached a meaningful decision.