It never seems to fail; each and every episode of #TheWalkingDead is bigger and better than the last. This explains why the Tweet rates reach enormous heights in just a matter of minutes. People seem to get so involved in the fictional world created by the increasingly popular television series that they can't hold back their anticipation and excitement.
Due to several plot-twisting events, the rate of Tweets fluctuated quite often during the hour. The hashtag never seems to disappear. Though it may dwindle in numbers during the middle of the week, there is always discussion about the previous episode or speculation on what might happen in next weekend's premiere. But when it comes to show time, all of social media focuses on the current events. During last night's episode, fans enjoyed a thrill ride of character development and action, exactly what makes #TheWalkingDead such a fascinating series for fans.
Fans discussed several major points during the show, especially those that stood out from the rest. Humor often plays a role in Tweets about #TheWalkingDead, and last night was no exception.
A few new hashtags rose out from these events. Characters are one of the most important aspects of #TheWalkingDead, so plenty of hashtags arose about them. #DarylAndCarol arose out of a bit of a love story between the two. There were also a few hashtags that arose out of some of the places and events that took place. As usual, expect this episode of #TheWalkingDead to keep Tweeters occupied throughout the week in anticipation for the next new episode. With only a couple episodes left in the season already, next week will probably leave fans filling the internet with #TheWalkingDead. It really wouldn't be a big surprise if the hashtag actually reached one of the top trends across social media later this week.
Definition: /definition/thewalkingdead/
Featured Graphic: From Creative Commons.